Saturday 14 September 2024

List of Farms in Little Hulton 1789

The text below is taken from the Little Hulton Town Book at Salford Archives (Ref: P6/04)

Sunday 8 September 2024

Farnworth Tenants in 1675

The transcripts and annotations below, relating to Farnworth, are from the DDBm collection at Lancashire Archives.

There are three copies of the 1675 survey; (a) the original, (b) a later draft copy, and (c) a later final copy.  Item (b) is annotated with the names of later tenants (undated) - these annotations are shown in [purple with square brackets] below.

There is another survey from 1765 which references the older survey, and details the tenant names.  These notes are annotated in blue italics.  Additional notes from other rental records are in square brackets.

A SURVEY of the several Tenements of Sr. John Bridgeman Bart.
in Great Leaver, Farneworth and Haulgh in the County of Lancaster
12th June 1675