Saturday 5 October 2024

Rental of Ralph Assheton of Great Lever 1598

Manchester Archives Ref: E7/27/2/1. 

Ralph Assheton of Great Lever for Great Lever, Farnworth, Ladyhalgh, Bolton, Warton and Hopehey.  Original documents contain record of rental values (not reproduced here).  Ladyhaulgh and Warton not reproduced here.

Rental of Ralph Assheton of Great Lever 1598
Rental of Ralph Assheton of Great Lever 1598

Rentale Radi Assheton ari de Magna Leaver et alijs fact anno dni 1598

Great Lever

  • James Bordman
  • Richarde Bordman
  • Ralphe Rothwell
  • Gilberte Moris
  • [Nic]holas Worthington
  • James Crompton
  • ???????? Issherwood
  • ???????? Leaver
  • ????????
  • ?????? Grundy
  • Roger Grundy
  • Richard Hardman
  • Willm Wellbanke[?]
  • ux Rogeri Halliwall
  • Thoms Crompton  e???? Jacobi Crompton & Beamon?crofte

Farnworthe and Kearsley

  • Assheton Nuttall ?dmres?
  • ux Radi Grundy
  • ux Mather Bordman  ix ru Egid ????
  • Charles Grundy
  • George Ainsworth
  • ux Edmundi Cheetham
  • Richarde Rothwell
  • Thomas Darbyshire
  • Ewan Seddon
  • Hughe Seddon
  • Annes & Jennet Dickson
  • Robte Grundy
  • Oliver Seddon
  • Ewan Halliwall
  • ????? Bowfront a?hees? rent  


  • ux Jacobi Mrshe
  • Ralphe Sweetlove
  • Nicholas Morres
  • Henry Hindley

Hopehey meadowe

  • Ralphe Sweetlove
  • Nicholas Mores
  • Henry Hindley


  • John Hulton
  • Willm Halliwall
  • Gilbte Lorte
  • Robte Rothwell
  • Richard Lomax
  • William Rothwell per Chisnalls house
  • Richard Gregory
  • Robte Pennington
  • Humfray Leaver
  • Edward Viccars
  • John Crompton
  • John Hallowes
  • ux ?ich? Makant
  • Thomas Hardman
  • George Crompton
  • Richarde Taylor
  • Gennet Sharplus widow
  • James Siddall
  • Abraham Isherwood
  • Roger Cooke
  • George Hurste
  • Giles Ainsworth
  • George Ainsworth
  • John Doodson

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